Project Document 2

Project Document 2


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Soft-Error-Aware Read-Stability-Enhanced Low-Power 12T SRAM With Multi-Node Upset Recoverability for Aerospace Applications

Based on the physical mechanism of upset in soft mistakes and a practical layout-topology, a new radiation-hardened-by-design (RHBD) 12T storage location is presented. The acquired verification findings show that the suggested 12T cell has the potential to deliver excellent radiation resistance. In comparison to a 13T cell, the proposed 12T cell has space (18.9%), power (23.8%), and read/write access time (171.6%) overheads. It has a greater hold static noise margin than a 13T cell, at 986.2 mV. Since the suggested 12T cell also has the potential to tolerate faults, it is more stable.CMOS technology plays an important role in the modern electronics world. CMOS technology also plays significant role in aerospace applications. To store data, memories are widely used as the medium in aerospace applications. SRAM cells are the memories made by the CMOS technology. The most vital issues faced by memories are due to single event upsets (SEUs) which are induced by radiation particles. The SEU’s due to increase in densities and SEU’s. There is a decrease in critical charge and supply voltage in CMOS process technology. There is a need for a technique which can to tolerate these SEU’s in such aerospace applications. Which are in the environment of complex celestial radiation? The technique which is considered for such environment is radiation-hardened by design (RHBD) with soft error robustness. This paper aims at is proposing an area efficient and high reliable RHBD memory cell.



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